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Taxed, a poem by Lylanne Musselman

by Lylanne Musselman

I sit outside Starbucks under a blue bright sky,
writing poems, enjoying music, warm afternoon air.

Featured singer Willie Nelson croons “Blue Eyes Crying
in the Rain.” May draws to a close my brief break from

teaching classes, again composition all summer –
all semesters. An adjunct who works more full time

than any tenured professor just to pay my debt
for being a creative soul, for teaching students

eager to be me by degrees.
I’m not unhappy, I’m not complaining –

I’m just tired of being broke! My friend,
Glenn, teases he saw my wine at the market,

Broke Ass, knowing my predicament: another summer,
the third, strapped because of taxes. It is taxing

to live and work in America, doing what we love,
Willie and I, two of many, singing, living, crying the IRS blues.

Bio: Lylanne Musselman is an award winning poet, playwright, and artist. Her work has appeared in Pank, Flying Island, The Tipton Poetry Journal, Poetry Breakfast, So it Goes, Issue 3, among others, and many anthologies.  In addition, Musselman has twice been a Pushcart nominee. Musselman is the author of three chapbooks, with a fourth forthcoming, Weathering Under the Cat, from Finishing Line Press. She also co-authored Company of Women: New and Selected Poems (Chatter House Press, 2013). Presently, she teaches writing at IUPUI, and online for Ivy Tech Community College.