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Poetic Seductress, a poem by Jay S Zimmernan

Poetic Seductress
by Jay S Zimmerman

A seductress
       dressed in poetry
her sheer exquisite words flow
         over her shoulders
                     cling to her body,
              leave only a cleavage of metaphors
Similes danced like ballerinas
             in the curls of her hair
Her lips pouted passionate penetrating alliterations
               and her thighs
provocatively pressed
          against her dress       
                               in a hyperbole of passion
Her mouth opened and
    she licked her red wet lips
           with the sweetness of sonnets

All this left him weak with longing
He sat there
          composing himself
His words lacked
    the luxurious loveliness
                    of her musical images
Tears filled his eyes
          he felt lost and consumed
                        in her flowing stanzas

He longed to be enveloped
            in couplets
He wished to lie against her
           enjambments and caress her
    line by line
But he was afraid
And only upon putting down his pen
Could he rise and tell her
       "I love you"

Bio: Jay S Zimmerman came to poetry from his life as a visual artist, composing poems to go with his art, finding as much joy in painting with words as with other visual tools. He has recently been published in Matryoshka Poetry, Three Line Poetry, I am not a silent poet, Curly Mind, and Flying Island, New Verse News, Quatrain.Fish and Rats Ass Review. He is an artist, photographer, psychologist and social justice advocate.